

A year pass by ...and one day 2024 arrives mid way.

I have find a way how to manage these interface. I use the Google Chrome right now, they make it easy.

This is a chemistry website. People probably is at their Fall semester toward the ending of the general chem or the orgo chem the final at this Christmas holiday.

Merry Christmas ! No I hear you, your pain.

It happens every years since 2007. They got a Khan Academia from Harvard, you all can take this opportunities to join their niches.

This is for the organic chemistry must be. You starting at the halide, unplug that, they are the leaving group. Helpful? Your chapter title at the beginning. 


You know I have more than one video on that 2 channel this far, my name on it.

Is this official....with my name on it. Well, I gonna tell you I sometimes going back to these 6 industrialist video with the music behind seeing it, or this Better Man 2 or 3 times I re-make I remembering. And one day I found you are guessing in your life, just about everything in anything, including my 100 UB classmate they going to the court room to find a correct method near.....a penny. 

Your textbook this is what, the Organic Chemistry, not just the general chemistry. I done more than just the chemistry. Its not a revelation. I used to tutor this 10 student per semester both the undergraduate and the graduate. You feel comferting? Walking on campus, you know that is a comferting says?

They are guessing because they are the minority students. They got the governments assisting reason to spell the education. Like the parents whom didn't go to the college, or EOP. You know most is the EOP, that was at least 3 program in it kids. When you are the graduate students, and they were all freshman looking, you will feel the first time they looking that young. You never thought, you never thought, you never thought about it the years will go by. No one telling you this stuffs.

That textbook whichever subjects line.

You are guessing all the way. I gonna tell you that.