

Food Science: Salmon? Looks like. You see how the she dipping sauce required? So putting garlic has no uses, but you have to buy and cut it? Have you ever thought about those things in life? Waste money, waste time.....

 Lemon and onion, I have seen them using it to deal with the meat types of food.

So probably for those meat has itself smell. 

But for flavor...You are eating a chulk of the fish like that, you need a dipping sauces !

A lot too !

Food Science: Cooking, like coating sauce marinate ....

 You need to coat all over, like Potato with Rosemarry and Pakrica, is one of the most common coating.

But you probably meant meat. I never really cook meat, to tell you.

But I will tell you, I seen people eating 3 or 7 cooked meat, and they eat it down. There is no taste in the meat, why would you even eating it? You will get a lot of fat, if you are meat eater.

Now I switch my diet, but I will tell you, I gain weight not necessary I eat a lot of meat, but when I was juicing or being vegan, I avoid a lot of milk or egg products.

There are some health benefits if you choose more options in veg, I still believe that. You need some fibers to go to the bathroom. Per day, you go to poo.

But I have heard people don't really go to the bathroom that much.

Coating ....I have seen many ways of coating meats. You better just have professional people doing it for you. By the time you finish doing all the chore works, you are ready to go to bed and sleep. You eat like what ? 3 meals?

My mother eat 1 or 2 meals.

I do have fruits in the morning. That is 3 meals. Probably the same.

I asking her some questions.....why you would love to eat, and then you must exercise?

I rather works and not eating, so no more exercising neither ~~~~ 

Body detox was one of my favorite things to do one time period of time, my life. I will tell you, when I was on fasting, no more meals in a day, but only drinking juices or water. I don't even need really brush my teeth, no washing dishes, no preparation meals....Just go outside and walking.

That kinds of air breathing life, I have no ideas how to describe to you, for someone like me, I am a pig, that describe life is to cook food and exercise out....








Do you think I actually might know Simon Cowell, to know these boys, trying to waste their life out of norm?

 What you all trying to be functional human, they are trying to say, they are humble started on the street, going into a British Got Talents, street performance mock up, to compare to Ilno Divo, Simon another groups.

I create music page, did I tell you what I claim myself there to be?

Singing talents!

I used to practice piano one hour per day from First grade to Six grade, and 2 years I practice Cello

so I actually prepared to compete Music Middle School Entrance tests, I still remember today.

I compete Go game starting when I was 5 years old, to 9 years old.

All these competition grounds, I still remember them so vivid in my memory.

You see all the parents brought their kids with you standing there to meet the judges of a full room as if to see you there compete or performance.

To my Youth education, I would tell you, I never die out, some of those trait. Its did come with me when I grew up ! 

Do you see what this One Direction did in these kinds of story, each layout? A Musement park, an ice skating, a the restaurant....

 I think you should try to perfect all of they told you so experience, maybe not necessary fucking experience.

Ice Skating T sign in 溜冰天使

If they even translate that into English.

T = Tesla, Nikola Tesla.

Can you tell me, why girls like about them? They just shrink in the seats when someone does that?

Is food mean Food Channel...discovery....Food Networks, one of those producers, they can hire chemist ...Its a food science. The Chemist makes bubble tea or detegent is about the same.

 That is probably becoming cold.

I don't think that has a lot of tastes. Do you see salts anywhere?

Asian we eat hot or warm food.

Its a nice presentation though.

Photo techniology, Solution, you put film in the solution. You will see that in One Direction

 I didn't know the photo effects are too great.

If you put your own kinds of White people Race Girls' photo side by side.

They become like a slut?

So the skin color does matter ! 

You gonna concentrate on your study, or on my face to be exact? I am from Taiwan.

YouTube Channel, they did that kind of how China and America fights, so I show up on camera to tell them shut up !

Its a blonde, its actually from Taiwan. Its an island.


Climate Change (Youngest Princess)

So why would I re-start again teaching you guys chemistry / organic chemistry? I used to do the YouTube Channel: YourFormulaSheet, Organic Chemistry website


I have a title in 2015. Flower Thousand Bones, 花千骨 ( I was 32 )


His name is 白子畫 !

Of all the blonde, in entire Asian domain.

Its me.

You all actually know that no Asian are blondes? Or Skin paler than any of your comparison girls blonde girls in America photo you side by side compare?

And? The Skin color is different.


⭐️ Chemistry equation will tell you at general chemistry solid, aq or g=gas

 In organic chemistry are just a bunch of solution, solvent from reagent 1 to 10 different kinds of reactions, so you won’t really bother by solid or gas. It’s all solution. Organic Chemistry. 

Bio mean detegent or you means waste recycling concepts? I see body wash says Bio on my branding !

 Plastic ! 

Plastic ~ Plastic.

You drink a bubble tea cup before? If someone does One Direction of those they MTV makes a dinner, its to turn upside down the cup drink on someone's head, that is the number on plastic. For the recycle purpose.

Bio you ever wonder how butterfly comes to beings?

 Bio materials likes DNA, RNA makes amino acid, proteins, then muscles, then Organ.  A whole piece of black market organ trafficker, they doing those, because our stem cell can only works, to repair your first degree burn, on your skin. Its to generate the tissues, not yet, the entire piece of organs.

That is bio materials creates a whole bloody solid.

If your bullets shoots at it, you finally made a bio living materials to organs, are poof !

See how much money you ever gonna lose, and be removed !

Hardware and software

 Hardware is a solid.

Software its a program. Programs people design to operating some function of mechinary, with a ease.

I always wonder how your brain works, your body you touch, that is elastic, so that is soilid ! Muscle ! Your skin below is muscle, you poking at it. Do you see blood?

 You want to tell me, your body is not solid?

So Keanu Reeves Bullets proves Matrix, means, he dulging bullets, you pretend to be liking him, or hating him, if this question on the test? I don't think so. But ....Your body is liquid? You mean heavy metal poison silver blue James Cameron movies to say ET like? Maybe X man Past and Future, those Sentinal?

Turtle has a shell, you don't have a shell. You have skeleton. Those you see after the body decay, remaining solid, are bones, like teeth....Dinosaur back, times...long time ago. 

Do you want to just collect your professors in the Universtiy/ College, before you are deciding, you are taken ACT, or PCAT, MCAT?

Your body is solid, its not bullet prove.

Bullets shoots at??? Gun background check?

Why is solid, liquid and gas so imporant in our world today?

 ... you asking in chemistry world? You asking me?

Your body is solid, you drink liquids, and if you don't die with your blood drain, but your alcohol weekend to waste life and brain, you might just bug...gling....bubble, like a drunk man, to inhale gas, someone far the car in front, your tail gating?

The exhaustion pipe, that is gas, you can breath in a very heavy pollutant city, you might find all cars have an exhaustion pipe?

Why it is PV=nRT important?

 Because you really just use it as it is describe to you?

When you are in a standard temperature international… pressure, volumn……moles?

R is?

Constant, they provide you numbers on a sheet, at least you know it’s on the sheet? To look up?

Voltage and resistant, that’s physics

 How you connect battery together, the simplest illustration.

You stack together to make a light bulb bright.

Then Velocity is?

 You toss something horizontally fallen graduatelly down.

V2 or V1

Or V0 or V1

Vertical vector is gravity related 9.8m/s2? That’s g not a

You have to make sure that unit you see is correct. So long I don’t work in these unit.


 So moles= n

Can be used in …so many places? 

Because they do it starting one single molecule like one single unit H2O

That’s 1 molecule 

But then, one mole is standard….because technically that’s way too small.

Gas and velocity (PV=nRT)

 Pressure, volumn, moles, constant, temperature.

Velocity is to do with gravity and acceleration.

But moles are ? Gas melt in your own space so say moles, or carbon dioxide in ocean, so it’s slightly acidic, or the aspirin in the solution dissolving, or the electric node solution has calculate electron e charge…is that ironic related?

You mean electron related why important ? Because that’s how battery has “current” like “I” formula.

These concepts solids?

In your brain? I did talk about solid….which part?


If they show you edible …

Yeah, edible. I would not eat like a show, it’s all coloring shining looking to me ….

But it’s artificial, some vegan might also could consume if it’s not gelatin made of ( cow bones )