

So what does Chemistry do? Selling Color?

 Yes, and fragrance ! 

Industrials comments: I just found out my father has black & white condition. That is purple. Light purple at the white middle almost. Very light. The hair is the real black, correct. This character is name to do with Purple. There is America saying one of those indigo child rumor, has something mars, or something purple I bet.

You can intuitive reading the black and white words in the script introduction like Wiki. They have expert like a real Librarian, like me, doing that....perhaps, to say, which important point, you select one character you want to work on. One character. 

We are in the digital age!


Is your eyes glasses....?

 Rims. Material Science

Focal point, how your muscle reacts to that image upside down through the brain, that is called focal point. You try to ask Elon Musk...


Industrialists Comments: I actually 16 years not touching a real pen other than something like DMV office, name and address here in Taiwan across China, or read a book, for sure, never in Chinese book, 20 years passing by. This year is 2021 Sep...that is 9 month before a years to say 3 months more?

21 / 22 / 23....Spring focal point, Summer focal point, Fall focal point....yet?

9/20/2021 re-editing posts.

Is Bubble Tea Chemistry?

 ... you ever been to a bubble tea shop? Those jars on the walls?

Bench, lab bench job at Food, one of those they do instant noodle package food might be you looking for Intern?


Dry baby milk formula powder, to sell in China, ilegal, and unshelf...remove from the market.

The baby formula.

Is Life Science is Chemistry?

 Life !

Chemistry are the reactions that taking places.

You are 2 D paper format in Disney Ending, that is what you mean point and dots, like 櫻桃小丸子....


 PDF is a file you can just print it straight from your school printer.

URL link.

Some people does do work, with the idea, everyone does the same.

Its to write an article with a background music on, except you might have home entertainment unit, someone else design it, with speaker phone to resonance in the whole room, you playing computer games.

The wire, the hook, you purchase in your money cards, called a plastic piece of...flat card, rates.


Bio chemical reaction, are ideas how you process your basic understanding in chemistry, liquid format of envrionment, to imagine your body, is 90% consist of blood, or water?

Sorry within, your blood, how many percentage of your consistant to believe

Its water content, so, if you are dehydrated, its the blood or muscle losing flate air....

sorry...those are thickening stuffs 血漿

how can this ever be water?

That is ....not chemistry.

Correct, that is not in your general chemistry textbook, I guarantee you that part. Its not in any college textbook in that general chemistry of yours. 

Its in the blood, its in the blood type A B, AB, O

THose kinds of things ....whatever antigen? 

no, they are potential....elements, of those consist of....well, within, it is, it will be after you birth, on insurance paper.


I say

Its blood consist of 90%

72 heart beat per....rate.

Like a minute! 60 seconds, you cannot possibly run a second with 72 heart beat, you use your tempo head, or your artery to feel somewhere on the wrist....ilegal 花千骨 Wallace....those touching hands stuffs.




High pressure, you die. High temperature, you die. High poison air, you die. Too cold too hot, you die.

 Out of breath, you die.

No oxygen, you die.

No vendalation, you die.

What insurance company will care to list line by line how you might die, and they will pay for others purchase insurance package before that day ever comes, to their bad, you say, they make so much money at it. 

Diamond don't die.

It never exists. But it might be cursed, especailly with color without blind, like you all just use your hand and

Archivist, are librarian.

CSI, are scientist, chemist, to use glove.

Bio weaponary, micro, poison those stuffs, use glove, Nanno, use glove, geneticist use gloove.


I actually need a textbook.... you know when is the last time, I open a...textbook looks like I was from the School?


Is this the punishment, i never went to my own graduation either or undergraduate and graduate?

General chemistry textbook has an index summary. Every professor will use that, index of every chapter title to break down how many months, of total weeks curriculum. 

They all just re-create powerpoint slide?

Why don't the textbook purchasing vendor, gives me a full copy, they say, I do, I copy and tell them in the lecture hall. Its exactly they say I do, I read I re-write?

They are the same things, that is all I mean.

General chemistry are concepts you will all needed if if if, you are going to the professional field of every practical chemistry field, as a scientist, or other science professions. Medical, dental, pharmceutical. 

If you know the basic what is chemistry, you will find out your interests in your career path, much better.

Its always about equation, about mixing things from A to B, to C, to D.

How to synthesize a reaction

How to deliver a rate law

How to calculate a correct concentration of the M, that is not mole in unit?

What is the concept of all these lab results of details definition, you really can take it with you outside the classroom?

I won't be going there testing you the PCAT

But once you get out of the real classroom, you might just say, you forget it all, and walk towards the other path.

Then, right, when you achieve to the world of Top, you wishing every sector of every domain you thought you interesting in, are no trace of me showing up before or behind you ....

Knowing your every step, that person.

Solution are to dissovle things in it. Salute?

 So the most wet things is the solution? Yeah? All are solid adding in the liquid?


Solution A + Solution B= Lab manual, Water and Sulfuric acids, which adding which first, you will for sure die? 


Those are all solution in the liquid forms.

When you say powder, that is not participate....Its the original drug format.

Gun, its wet. Ignite a fire.

Are you sure, you want to study that book right, you purchase from Amazon?  

The most amount of part, is solution about you try that to distinugish an examiner asking you on the multiple choices, they will NEVER NEVER asking you things like that, and if they do, they ask me, I will know what they really ask you. How about that? 

Solution, salute ? 

Substance A, B, C, D ? 

Mixture? You mix something together....already.

Compound A, compound B, C, D, in the stock rooms, you stack them up in the chemistry cabin, not to get mositure in, so there is an air vendelation.....I build this building complex, I tear down, exploded groups.

(Why, why, why?)

Air, that is not air conditioning, you sweat at.

That is salty....smell? no acid formating, one of those......

Your tear eliminate waste, you got mix it up, your biology.

Urine is acid. 

You want to cry first, or I cry?

General Chemistry is College basic basic basic chemistry, there is nothing lower than that.....

 General Chemistry, analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, medicinal chemistry....

They are all chemistry.

The chemistry of your body, with the things you eating down to generate any kind of chemistry reaction, it is a chemical process inside your body. When they are carrying a lab experiment, instead on you, its a chemistry lab.

You weight things on the scale, called manual works, so you become handy, with the parchment paper how to weight right, and records with the confident, that your eyes are seeing the parchment weight, or substract that out? So do you re-set to the zero, with the parchment paper on the scale?

Called a pure format of Aspirin? !!! 

Too concentrate to take as a capsule or tablet......

They are powder, tablet....I ate that. Its the concentrate forms, of the most pure chemical process making, that heavily creates moles in scale 10^ 24.....

General chem alchemist?



The elemental force of the legend, like Greek? If I give a class, and you suppose to studying the other notes, your ears should not be here lingering....

    The nature of the force

    The elemental of water

    The elemental of fire

    The elemental substance of something called metal ...

The Earth of the Old that has inhabitant all Longest time of existence one ever heard of, no one ever known of, in the human records writing. What would be the air you breath in your nose that you are not suffocate?


Not O3, ozone layers are up in the cloud. Look up! 

The equation laws of a reaction, is you have to blend agent 1 and agent 2, liquid to liquid, to make a color, a fume to die, or a draw an arrow down.

Do you remember a thing in Chemistry?

At all?

Arrow going toward the right ....means? You add A+B gives to C

If the arrow back toward the left? It means? The reaction in the multiple choice is reversible. 

Normally when you do a precipation, no.

You see going down solid format in the buttom of the solution. That is done. Not reversible. That is a common sense. So you won't tell me a rate law that, might reverse, the solid become dissolve into the solution, meaning extinguish...vanish in the air ...(in the solution)

What is dissolvement of your illusion in your religion view?


You dissolve drug in your you see trace?

Want to join a CSI? 

See anything in the water?

Grape pulp in the grape juice?

Ice cream in the cup of your party every weekend, try root beer? 

You see your stomach?

I am not testing you committee..... 

General Chemistry


You learn chemistry in high school, or a general subjects in College or University.

I took PCAT, so I know what is Chemistry.

    You probably remember your high school education. PV=nRT, that is for the Gas. You have melting ice scenario in climate change, freezing point, like your nerves. Melting points, boiling points, that division of the Water, is the most elemental stuffs you will see on your textbook to introduce you multiple choices with diagram.

    What do you know temperature

    What do you know energy

    What do you know in the equation these units and scale of X or Y, you will take with you to your PCAT?

There are a lot of ways, people studies Chemistry, they take notes for what they read in the textbook. They re-write their notes from scribbling down their professor in class options. 

My chemistry was a honor class, we only have a choice is to sit as near as what you can see, on the black board, they just draw it, there is no projector or powerpoint slide.

Unfortunately, many will say in the Organic Chemistry section, its not from the book of the PCAT? mean if Honor Class you take, and Honor Class you take in general chemistry or organic chemistry if indeed a waste of time?

    I have describe the history of mine as close as I can tell you. As for my friends in those class, unless you are competing with MCAT, or drop that to PCAT, I just take an easy routes, I will suggest you, just take PCAT, and forget MCAT.

    Yes, and do something worthwhile with your life time. Forgetting both! 

    Trying out what stand you out, the scores, on percentile. You never know what they really means going down of one of those scores means. 

    Liquid is not the same as gas. That is touchable, you can smell on the surface. Liquid part. If were gas, you might just die by breathing in it.

    Are they chemistry? 
