


You know, one of those things you are not sure its how you generate so much audience to click ads for revenues per monthly.

Your numbers never shows up on my statistics, just to let you know. 

I have found many have a manager.

Like a company manage many YouTubers togethers, and on my island, because the world is so small, the Google themselves, give them one day, they meet together, or ....what was those, if they are vegetarian groups. I have seen different categories YouTubers, on this tiny island.

In the States, I have no ideas. Not that much I know of. 



My cousin's education is so low, that she opens a gluen-free shop, selling everything but Asian eats....Middle East food, there is a TV telling her to make gluten contains Chinese Breakfast bread here.

 Its has been 3 years, or almost 4 years? I am still on that TV drama, yesterday finish the Epsiode 7, today might be on 8th Episode, my uncle is a pilots.

I was with TTC Bus drivers.

And my student married to a military pilots, showing up in my 101 mall here, as Dale.

I don't know how to bring you any news at all. 

Do you study Eben Pagan? Moses? The Prince of Egypt

I am the mother.....that sounds good? 

And now, because he made a raw food choice of facing ocean, the health green smoothie drinks.

Ryoya Takashima didn't really spend a dime in my cousin's, this gluten free cousin shop, from Japan, has his own cooking Channel.

Eben Pagan did was saying he is arabic, married to a shilanka, low income Canada, housing plan, my bf day in day out complaining as the Italian descendant pure blood....their kids don't get the jobs, or the housing plan or the car.....or some kinds of Stampete.....

Her face looks like Annie Hallaway, if she EVER ever ever wears a skirt.

Her mother is a night club singers, with my father's youngest sister, with grandmom, every day like my father gamble their life away with a Chinese game, in smoke and wine and food to squandle money away...and her father is a military surgeon small voices like Ola and Dean, my classmate.

Her real character is like 浮士德的微笑

There is a smile.

How does this story sounds to you? Do you think I should call the police? But they don't let me stay on the phone for more than 1 minute.....The drama of the "Smiles" says, her mother has high usury. High interests borrowing.... Purple is her room color. She does photograph too. Film making or commercial making. Artistic. Just not making food, other spiritual practitioners have comments about her....."She does not even know how to pick up a right vegetable"

Their menu are mostly cold plate, salad.

I would suggest to all of you, you better study in the next 5 to 10 years to 20 or 30 years right !!!! For open galaxy.....if you are all that into what is high IQ humanoid looking to you, when you say, you trash your own love or own worlds, for them. If you are that determined ....

I need to go and watching TV, you go to do your chore... we have problems on the 7th Episodes last night. They might not sleep the whole night. I slept !

My Amherst, 14226 New York Auto shop is next to U-haul...

 No, they are not the same things.

You got the Lifter thing in U-haul, that mechanical stuffs are weight related.....g verse to a

Like Elon Musk you can just call him up, for that.

That is physics department.

That is the boxs of boxs you carry from old home to off campus fratenity house on the street or sorority houses. Off-campus housing ...

Your parents might want to watch the movie: Animal house.

No, I didn't really watch it. I heard about it.



Is the swimming pool water ....? The Chemist

 You smell Chlorine when you are changing at the dressing room area, all the way, to the water body area in the main session of that restrict card ID access places? You might have a steaming room, or Sauna. At least in my University, we have both access for the girl's fitness room.

We use the lockers.


Is the Auto shop, liquids for win-shield, or car oil .....? The Chemist

 Its a type of different consistency of liquids.


Is anything to do with liquid is chemistry?


You want to re-phrase that question as the examiner, or as a student?

You buy the textbooks differently. 

    Solvant, like Organic Solvant dissolving organic solute. 

    EDTA in Inogranic Textbook on your Shampoo, washing hair stuffs, if you turn things around and read. 

    ... ... Water, clear texture,.....precipitation. 

  ... ... Dilute, M concept....moles that is gas or liquid ideas??

Comment MD: High Pressure Bottle Beas drink, Taiwan looks like Wallace Next by, another guy Jail story, I comment. Bottle Gas drinks. Beas.

You first press CO2 to dissolving in....then, you might have a M concept. But technically you have no machine doing that, you breath Oxygen if you know that is different, before ...coma dead.

They probably won't mix you up anyway....just asking you all looking the same liquid...without darian stuffs....

 You want a cheese?


張信昌- 復古達人翻攝照片布置展場 遭收藏家控侵權

This guy has accent, different from another main song theme song of the Drama, Flower Thousand Bones.

I read with Annca, I told him ....My name is Anna. There is a guy the magazine, We met in the hospital, my other MD 4 people don't come and save me. There is a shadow Keanu Reeves on the background of a blonde girl magazine.

Comment MD: Like I said, if you get yourself One Whole Life bounds in getting into your own State this kinda of facility hospital....remember to open the magazine? Not depressing on it? 

遙看萬倉劫,蒼海成桑田,他不言不言明途的明滅 ~~~~


512 Supreme Master Birthday, 5 Sense off, she meant it ....her stake to become Lords One day, its at the beginning of everything of the Beginning and the End.

Bible Meant it, She meant it, Forever and ever.....Praise the Lords means.


How is the industry?

Career goal yet?

Sailor Moon Transformation Playlist (Join the Party)


I used to know guys

Seth, Dean, Bill, Silas, Patrick 

Of course they are not the only guys I met....on my facebook. Yeah, we just met kinda of people relationship, and they are looking like NSYNC. They are all local Buffalonian guys. White Races.

In wish to know? Your Facebook does count....I wasn't even think about that, so I didn't get in the Professional School.

 Its called you use internal power for the outer manifestation....

內功拿去外功打! Same sounding my grandpa happened to be legally court records on inheritance.

Isn't that funny, 2010, China Expo, photo on Pinterest, YourFormulaSheet, I started that before Khan Academy, on YouTube, teaching Organic Chemistry.




Korean Cooking Show

Technically I would never do that.....the hot dog is the plastic wraps outside.

But they are managers involved in the show, they must have checked that, these wraps can be cooked and mix in the continue to be cooked, heated, and burn in the mouth with the plastic wraps?


Gossips about Simon Cowell? I don't know much about him in real stage confronting whom....but it happened with SMCH 越南小尼姑 I watched 3 video, and response 3 times.


People like him from British are expected to deliver every words of truthfulness without the producers or writers behinds to stand tall in America.  

In any kind of people, in an array of them talents to say, or to hear, from each contestant, to say working his butt off.

They are training them ... That is one industry, you are not going to replace him !!! 


Simon? Simon Cowell Issues? 刺客聯盟 I just open my TV Channel and saw, so they are like being strong like Harry Potter Transformation personel, dancing with a prom partner, Indian like Harry Potter?

 No, you move away ....

You move here, Taiwan, this island before its all populated full....

90s Cartoon all going towards the West direction from California...

Its this area, its the military strategic position.

You married into here.

No one like an industrialist would joke about things, to pretend its a work, or an joking music entertainment world, because that is only a singing methods, not a job mouth methods of an Hussain? You learn that lesson in Vietnam War, they told you that in the Art of War with Go Games.




Never mind, I use what it is right now.

I added the Pinterests photo in.

It would be the last long time ago 2018/2019 I talk to Twitter about all those food things. They try out?

These people I don't think they eat that much, or eating at all.

But In case they do eat, Its not your testing food menu options.....

I think I write enough for one day ....They have an orientation table, I don't bother showing up anymore ....

Where am I? Waiting for them 4 MD trying to rescue me, on an island I am from, with Stephen Tamang, 5th MD, trying to ruin everyone's life with a gun.

 Is that my feeling, as the ex bf, or the fan feeling like smallville, or like I have no gun, here in Taiwan, next by China, They are commuism, we are Asian Pacific, my nurse has a dog, my ex bf, sign.

Does they mean they are the Lord coming in to be jail, or sleep around?

You decide?

Of course not. 

We are democracy in Taiwan, about 1911 started no Kingship system. 2011, now 2021.

Tesla gives you 100 years. Quotes.

... No.

 You will hand me a report of the following.

John Searl, free energy searl engineering wheel

John Searle, Professor

2 months apart birthday.

安室奈美惠, One of the Asian biggest start

Lana Lang, Danish Actor

NSYNC, Lance Bass

UB Spectrum, Silas Radar, Psychology major

I have 5, I give you one name to look up.

Stephen Tamang, Birthday

Keanu Reeves Birthday

Loving the Silent Tear

2 Babaji, on the Red Carpet.

Do they count the on stage performances, names list of all Babaji, except, 

Mahavatar Babaji


 Questing: youth greets to ambition, no alchemist skills imagining charming falls city walls, day to day missing thoughts to missing, elder of old always miss the olds.

 (In all your views, he is handicap, old wrinkle, tarted cloth, smell, curve back, low, sting, devlish old old Brahman, perhaps?) 

 From Pinterest


In the mountain range of a Sunny Wind flows through walking path days, in that, there is a figure in front ... the same sword with clothes cloth old wears, someone. "Tree on this one side of path left meant you me in the scene to my right ...mount? "


 Earning to rise that gaze to the thousand miles of that distance blue, breezing wind with warm sun glorious felt, how soothing the free walking of that wildlife making easy? Its broaden make Self happy, the right emballishing reason to crown throne making excuse as real, still, the same tempament was, horse untame, never was, pride in doing so without restrain and I feel it on my face, its brush my fingers with a smile, 

they are at that Country land, its meant to be the Beginning to the End

Trust of that promises, good words will persuade, their thoughts to where ought to meant? Sunset when to take off, fly towards that horizon blaring sun, passing by this ...trail. Distance family is not as close as the near by houses, and this is one mountain mount Top, one ground weed grass below, noise of none stop life affairs to argue?

Passenger, in the same Direction? Questing, Where is't here?

    Same not, yes well?

That how why

    Undetain... ... = 

    ... affections of love self not made falls. still, remain uncared in the blurs states of unfelt, its not without help, to polite my part, truly, what makes you I quest you, is any undone wishes, to else where homy you I will?


    Well receive undaring

This way

    You first






 Questing: youth greets to ambition, no alchemist skills imagining charming falls city walls, day to day missing thoughts to missing, elder of old always miss the olds.

... ... noise filled up to the mount top unfinishing, noise none cease.

    Welcome guests her death apart Worlds makes her dooms, true.

You're Welcome

    That's not my business

It is

    One afteroon tea, too salty be trashed?


    Its not unknowing, why so demands their ordeal to erase face shame? See others unwell intention, its only embance their doubts to break through worries...


    Her love on her face shows remote away, historical facts records.

Ever studied poem, words, books, paints?

    ... those few years of past uncared, not really felt to discuss if not this hour by present hours?

Is that so?

    No reflection of true repentance, curses of others well salary in digital coins, true feel pride of High Indian Priest to his nose up rise, exchange to the swam crowd to enjoy moment, become that unfortunate without one the become to remian....digits.

Bites to hate, indeed, its not the right befitted time and space zone, students them

    Exact words?


    Instead to become? 


    Must never become one 5 tall?

You over stated, tea?

    Others without a place to meets, on that occupation Worldly Order governmental, she never says its thefting (comcubine), too well proud to become its must be True. No real direction of a solid goal not daring or inside strength, its must not you him faults, its all that spread wild, all well space far uncountable, She is always lacking, of that untrue, to dreamy doll, artifical....not Self knows, the destination of unplaned was ruined at the starts she was, the same compassionate embrace within, she him become depending each other to survive, base upon thousand years virtues to migration of crowdly birds soars among, one tarted life, its forever uncaring none stop separation pulling back heart to fell and unfelt, true feeling for get close, leave and departs? Its always never try to open mind to see...vow in eternality she will not repent, if not for others to say, there is no more than 3 tall!




        (執迷不悟, 忘詞了)茶🍵



好一個… …




        … …你是客 :)(












            凡… …天見匕首






            (Annoying, truly annoyed)


(Annoying, truly annoyed)







 (In all your views, he is handicap, old wrinkle, tarted cloth, smell, curve back, low, sting, devlish old old Brahman, perhaps?) 

 From Pinterest


In the moutain range of a 和風日立的日子裡,前方有一人 ... 一個同樣是布衣佩劍之人 Can you truly truly translate right, clearly, there are forest trees around in the scene?

 Ancient Chinese required 



    不知 是也? 

何他 ...

    未曾 ... .. =










... ...紛紛擾擾,吵鬧不斷



    That's not my business

It is







    ... ...比擬當年情懷,並不想討論此一時,彼一時






    換作是 ...



    他人無處是逢,官商職場,她未曾感言是竊,好不得意是天經地義,沒敢志向,絕對是你他的過失,自自遍野,遼望無際,一直都是空無虛擬、自不知,前程是毀於自始知出,同在是一個慈悲為懷,彼此相依為命,以德化做千年鳥飛群,一作賤命,是永無止盡的悲歡離合,一直都是執迷不悟,永生不悔,為此若非他人言,是無三米高 ! 



        (執迷不悟, 忘詞了)茶🍵



好一個… …




        … …你是客 :)(












            凡… …天見匕首






            (Annoying, truly annoyed)


(Annoying, truly annoyed)





Stephen Tamang, Profile, MD, Surgeon in Gallbladder Stones field, my experty field.

 He is an indian mix.

His father is an Indian Christian priest.

His mother is a red hair small town women

They live in Montana.

Kinda like Titanic that guy has an introduction of where he is from, Chipoowa? He falls into a very cold water freezing too death or he was suicide himself and never made alive to fate his Titanic wealthy lady, won of all hearts? That is a fantasy. 

Stephen Tamang, screaming like a girl, but he is very very tall, 6 feet 2?

But although all his family look like indian, he alones looks like Chinese. Imagine his growing up tale, his birthday is 9/2, I met Keanu Reeves

He will tell me the same, that is his Wiki, Sep 2nd birthday.

If you meet enough guys on these craps, one with gun, one with many guns, John Wick, 1,2,3,4. yet? 

It was Richard Brandom some rocket exploded on the week one week after his John Wick 2 movie released? That is my initial. Yehweh Sounding.

Name on Wikipedia KK 音標! 

Anymore quesiton or you will do the research on yourself with this one case. 

He is the currently at South Dakota, that Stephen Tamang, MD. But when I receive a telepathic message he is underground....That is way too serious for me to even call anyone anymore. That is Pentagon shows up! 

I don't actually watch a lot of TV, or knowing TV at all, Therefore, when I do see words such as FBI or CIA, or Pentagon, I will back off a little more extra.

They are not supposed to be on the TV??

They are?

Cops? You mean cops supposes to be on the TV? Taiwan, are always cops with the uniform on the TV! like 每一個警察局的什麼第一分局

Smallville 2001-2011

 Its a TV show. If you just conclude a show in general.

You say:

The Superman in the old generation always been itself a masterpiece.

But that old superman falls off the horse one day.

The Old superman recently also re-made into a TV WB Channel, on he has a child with the journalist. How she save him by telling him that. 

The modern after year 2000 superman, we don't usually saying that, because of the TV is title: Smallville, but everyone knows that is a part of superman franchise. 

These kinds of American Family TV drama shows, usually are on the TV cable of Fall Seasons or Spring seasons. There is no Summer airing these shows, like Games of Thrones.


Stephen Tamang, MD, that is his current position as President in some kinda of magazine, recovery program. 

One mistake made of in his life, as he knows that is not Pentagon jail underground meant, yet. 

Crime in these, especially if made into the TV shows, might one day, directly associate as felony, that devastate many family including my family, in Taiwan, we do not use gun, in this society, someone can just show up him, and kill him off. Like American always do those things.

He is alive, because that is a variable means. Like the TV, Lana has a gun too. 

Lalla, Eben Pagan's wife, double dating schematic, Wake-up-Productive.

Shilanka, its outside India, like China to Taiwan.

But what is difference, of that, they are immigrant to my real bf places in Canada, all across. They are low income many house, that means, they have a house, a car, or bus pass, we all have to work, he will tell me all his sons are not getting the right jobs, or educations, because they are way more too expensive, and up til today, he is still paying at it. because of all these Shilanka immigration, are ...for them only.


Iron man, is like Iron Age? Middle Age? ...What is an Iron? On your periodic table, you give me a short name first.

Weapon business is a chemistry field related, you heard about is the extraction of Uranium. 

You don't want that to be handed over to Bin Ladin top of Hussein, or North Korea.

Like Simon Cowell First Fiancee last name. 

Industrialists Comments: They drug people, because he is influential, British even. You all ever use drugs, to get high? Really? The fume of the hood, you took your head in to feel it versitile? That is his dead father 1999 before Westlife becoming huge, he Simon Cowell becomes of the 21th century entering figure!

Comment 2: His father reincarnated? What if?

Comment 3: I know, you are not listening... What is on your mind today?

Kindess to you all, yet, enough?

I made that crystal shoe...insoluting from the Earthly Mother, negative .....for Steve Jobs dead yet, for walking barefoot on the concrete road I made, or the grass lawn, that gulf clubs, which types of grass to fill in? To say, a conservation water park calling you all?

Open galaxy, is to say, the real life of your busy mind right now, its irrelevant, agree?

That is Harry Potter is the greatest things you ever seen so far on the world franchaise ever be, to that outside one billions stars, not galaxy, to count under 

Flower Thousand Bones 花千骨

if that 尊上 is? 

Supreme Court America Justice !!!! 


I used to have a one kiss guy, bf, before he went on to this SABA university, with a gun on facebook years later, to become Superman tale in Smallville.

This TV actually probably applies to a lot of small circle of state school, if you must to say, it is not just one person only case.

They have opening of season 1 to 10.