

⭐️What you can do also, its you go purchase a PCAT Barns & Noble, they test Chemistry session ⭐️

 ITs just one booklet. I know people purchase from the Amazon.

When I took my PCAT, I don't really remember, we have that much internet yet?

So what you can do also, its to identify, what quesiton is being asked in Organic Chemistry in PCAT. If you are taken MCAT you can note it now, that question next by....

"This is for Isomer"

"This is for Benzene"

"This is for Alkane, alkene, or alkyne"

"This is for structure testing methods"

"This is for resonance, electron drawing, or similar like Lewis Structure, valence theory, or some kinda of 1900 theory, molecular orbital theory"

"Electron drawing mechanism are...." 

So by the time, when you finish your Organic Chemistry First semester, you already have that PCAT or MCAT test preparation book solid categorized, what kind of exam quesitons are percentage at with your situation.

Organic Chemsitry - Halides

 Of all the reaction in Organic chemistry, you know, you have to have One thing, then add a reagent, to become product number 1 or product number 2?

Understand? Substitution or elimination reaction. SN2 SN1, E2 or E1

But let's say....I am a tutor, I will teach you short cut to understand things in your memorization to that textbook you reading at....

Halide is very very very easy to identify. What are those? F, Cl, Br, I ...that column


They are very good leaving groups.

If you see anything has Halide attached to, your first reaction is? That thing gonna be plug off, and replace something on top.

If any memorization materials become too will memorize by identify reagent or given test reactant - that is to spot, is that halide first.

When you accumulate enough experience in Organic Chemistry, just remember what I tell you.

Leaving group such as Halides is given you a whole chapter, or some content in the textbook, its to help you identify


identify ~~~

Organic Chemistry- Cyclealkane is single bond, where is Benzene is Aromatic.....that is P orbital hybriding Molecular Orbital theory. Double bones

 Right now, is that the semester went to Benzene ring yet?

I am reading a textbook online guessing, what it is in your Organic Chemistry so far.

Bonding of single bond and double bond, which is easily break?

Of course single bond.

And not to say, you have to memorize the whole Molecular Orbital theory, on Benzene, if were true, you have to memorize, of course it harder to break. Its resonance structure, tight tight tight....


Organic Chemistry - Molecular Orbital

 Later in the chapter, you will encounter Benzene. Then you have a real drawing of a molecular orbital theory speaking.

Right now, are you farmiliar with your general chemsitry, that each orbit is to exhibit 2 electrons only?

S or P.

If mix them up, it will be hybrid orbital?

Do you understand why they will be hybrid orbital?

Because? What is an orbital define? The probability of an electron will show up probability.

This concept if you are clear, you should know, that guessing where the electron will be at...that is the reason, when the orbits S or P merges to have a bonding structure, you understand these area are where the electrons go. Because of these bonding theory required, you have orbital theory.

Remember that.

Its because you need to see CH4 bonding together, C and H, C and 4 understanding? You need to see something bonding together, you have a theory, how they should glue together, where the electron forming within the occupying orbits allows that formation of solid bond,...that looks to you, will be forever "solidified" if you see that thing turns into solid, like ice ! 

CH4 is what? Methane, its in my other video, I keep talking about Climate Change, you keep reading about when you are spare time, reading all my other websites, that I fighting so much with the Supreme Master Vietanese Little Nun?


That is a gas, that is not a solid. 

Gas you cannot see.

Solid bond, is really solid?

You see "a thing" sitting in front of your desk, like someone's head in front of the police station.

They are all bonds. Solid form a muscle in front of the police desk, understand? 

A solid bond

Numerous solid bonds.


In General Chemistry, they will mention to you at the begining, these bonding, has bending bonding structure of stretching bonding structure.

I am a tutor, so I can tell you something, that you probably need to pay attention, to some minor details, if you wish to draw upon your memory in reviewing Organic Chemistry.


Organic chemistry - Resonance

 These ideas of Resonance, are required drawing.

How good are you in drawing chemistry? Because Organic Chemistry is full of drawing.

When you learn about Lewis structure, and one of those valence electron theory, or later Organic Chemistry Molecular theory, how good are you, to distinguish the ideas of electrons? 

You are moving electrons, do you understand that?

Every dots you are moving at, at arrow, at reaction, within the scope of Organic Chemistry, they are all electrons. Are you solid solid solid with these concepts, or you think of, what is an Atom?

Neutron and proton, you calculate by the periodic table location S or P orbital. Is that also a theory, YES! 

There are a lot of 1900 science theory, we are using today, and some of them are carried to that if we are on particle theory, or wave...Light is a dot, like particle, or like wave theory, do you understand, that will cross over to physics.

But for Organic Chemsitry, do you know what you are drawing....right now Its Oct almost towards the end, do you start to draw mechanism yet?

Resonance structure are just structural concepts. Do you know what is the structural concepts?

If you equalize all the testing materials for preparing MCAT or PCAT, how much percentage you see General Chemistry or Organic Chemistry?

Resonance structure no matter where you do in Organic Chemistry field, its very very important concept, you are drawing 2 structure, and the real real real structure is????In between the two. Hybrid if you heard about those words....

I draw a lot a lot a lot of organic chemistry, because I used to taken Organic Chemistry Honor Class, where, we don't do the Organic Chemistry general class, where using a professor's note. But what is Oxygen single bond, or double bone, I already have that electrons configuration memorize my whole life. Because its so common, later on, when you see aldehyde and ketone or carboxylic acid groups. 


Organic chemistry - Isomers

 What you need to have your definition clear would be

    Empirical formula

    Molecular formula

Sometimes when they give you a write out like C3H6

You assume what it will look like?

So if its a longer chain

With a different functional group on top.

Do you know what is functional group?

So different location of the functional group, in straight one line formula, looking about the same to you?

Meaning how you drawing out.

On the real tests, you will be going for PCAT, or MCAT, you don't assume, they become all topics on One Isomers session of your textbook, but the details of what that is, and you mix up, really its the formula drawing ALL OUT and basic equation if = (empirical formula) 2


If you look at your textbook, the categories of Aldehyde, Ketone, carboxylic acid....

To alkane, alkene, alkyne....You know the different of the single bond, double bond, triple bond, but the others funcitonal groups, are all so brainy out, are reactions to memorize.

do you believe all your ever taken standard exam, you could be asking that much of Organic Chemistry? So know the basic things, learn it right.