

Bio chemical reaction, are ideas how you process your basic understanding in chemistry, liquid format of envrionment, to imagine your body, is 90% consist of blood, or water?

Sorry within, your blood, how many percentage of your consistant to believe

Its water content, so, if you are dehydrated, its the blood or muscle losing flate air....

sorry...those are thickening stuffs 血漿

how can this ever be water?

That is ....not chemistry.

Correct, that is not in your general chemistry textbook, I guarantee you that part. Its not in any college textbook in that general chemistry of yours. 

Its in the blood, its in the blood type A B, AB, O

THose kinds of things ....whatever antigen? 

no, they are potential....elements, of those consist of....well, within, it is, it will be after you birth, on insurance paper.


I say

Its blood consist of 90%

72 heart beat per....rate.

Like a minute! 60 seconds, you cannot possibly run a second with 72 heart beat, you use your tempo head, or your artery to feel somewhere on the wrist....ilegal 花千骨 Wallace....those touching hands stuffs.




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