

My cousin's education is so low, that she opens a gluen-free shop, selling everything but Asian eats....Middle East food, there is a TV telling her to make gluten contains Chinese Breakfast bread here.

 Its has been 3 years, or almost 4 years? I am still on that TV drama, yesterday finish the Epsiode 7, today might be on 8th Episode, my uncle is a pilots.

I was with TTC Bus drivers.

And my student married to a military pilots, showing up in my 101 mall here, as Dale.

I don't know how to bring you any news at all. 

Do you study Eben Pagan? Moses? The Prince of Egypt

I am the mother.....that sounds good? 

And now, because he made a raw food choice of facing ocean, the health green smoothie drinks.

Ryoya Takashima didn't really spend a dime in my cousin's, this gluten free cousin shop, from Japan, has his own cooking Channel.

Eben Pagan did was saying he is arabic, married to a shilanka, low income Canada, housing plan, my bf day in day out complaining as the Italian descendant pure blood....their kids don't get the jobs, or the housing plan or the car.....or some kinds of Stampete.....

Her face looks like Annie Hallaway, if she EVER ever ever wears a skirt.

Her mother is a night club singers, with my father's youngest sister, with grandmom, every day like my father gamble their life away with a Chinese game, in smoke and wine and food to squandle money away...and her father is a military surgeon small voices like Ola and Dean, my classmate.

Her real character is like 浮士德的微笑

There is a smile.

How does this story sounds to you? Do you think I should call the police? But they don't let me stay on the phone for more than 1 minute.....The drama of the "Smiles" says, her mother has high usury. High interests borrowing.... Purple is her room color. She does photograph too. Film making or commercial making. Artistic. Just not making food, other spiritual practitioners have comments about her....."She does not even know how to pick up a right vegetable"

Their menu are mostly cold plate, salad.

I would suggest to all of you, you better study in the next 5 to 10 years to 20 or 30 years right !!!! For open galaxy.....if you are all that into what is high IQ humanoid looking to you, when you say, you trash your own love or own worlds, for them. If you are that determined ....

I need to go and watching TV, you go to do your chore... we have problems on the 7th Episodes last night. They might not sleep the whole night. I slept !

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