

Organic Chemsitry General Class vs. Honor Class

 You know when I tutor Organic chemistry, my background was honor class orgo.

Meaning, I never seeing the general organic chemistry textbook or notes from that professor's powerpoint slide.

We manually script all the orgo notes, and tests upon memory in drawing the mechanism a lot of times, or some kinds of....base on the notes that professor gives.

I am from SUNY Buffalo, General Orgo is 201/202, my class is 251/252

There is people who drop the class to go to those lower class orgo, was for the reason to taken PCAT or MCAT.

I didn't know that before, its like 16 years pass, and now I start to remember. 

Your gearing towards is your professional school.

So are you in the honor class Organic Chemistry like me?

I will tell you, when I tutor, I start to memorize all their reagents and reactants to products sheets too. But every university in America are all different.

If you look at all different university notes, I was very stressful when I create the Orgo YouTube channels to select questions to create a video. 

You have many variation.

As you approaching to know each class drawback, honor class has a lot of mechanism.

I will say, you learn mechanism so that some of the concepts you are strong by "moving the electron" more smooth, while you sketch your reaction diagram, in the orgo class.

That basic skill how to move the electron is the key.

As for the percentage of Orgo in PCAT, compare to the general chemistry, of course is so much less, so much less. Sometimes I will tell you, I am being so lazy, what if I prepare the section of the organic chemistry just never being examined at...I waste all the time not to study something else?

In my time of PCAT, I didn't really prepare though, I was a tutor in general chemistry.

I would encourage you, trying that with your school lab. No, those are not TA jobs.

Those are New York State funding down EOP, SSS, or ACE one of those minority program, or disadvantage of first generation students to go to school from their parents.

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