

Do you think I actually might know Simon Cowell, to know these boys, trying to waste their life out of norm?

 What you all trying to be functional human, they are trying to say, they are humble started on the street, going into a British Got Talents, street performance mock up, to compare to Ilno Divo, Simon another groups.

I create music page, did I tell you what I claim myself there to be?

Singing talents!

I used to practice piano one hour per day from First grade to Six grade, and 2 years I practice Cello

so I actually prepared to compete Music Middle School Entrance tests, I still remember today.

I compete Go game starting when I was 5 years old, to 9 years old.

All these competition grounds, I still remember them so vivid in my memory.

You see all the parents brought their kids with you standing there to meet the judges of a full room as if to see you there compete or performance.

To my Youth education, I would tell you, I never die out, some of those trait. Its did come with me when I grew up ! 

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