

Food Science: Cooking, like coating sauce marinate ....

 You need to coat all over, like Potato with Rosemarry and Pakrica, is one of the most common coating.

But you probably meant meat. I never really cook meat, to tell you.

But I will tell you, I seen people eating 3 or 7 cooked meat, and they eat it down. There is no taste in the meat, why would you even eating it? You will get a lot of fat, if you are meat eater.

Now I switch my diet, but I will tell you, I gain weight not necessary I eat a lot of meat, but when I was juicing or being vegan, I avoid a lot of milk or egg products.

There are some health benefits if you choose more options in veg, I still believe that. You need some fibers to go to the bathroom. Per day, you go to poo.

But I have heard people don't really go to the bathroom that much.

Coating ....I have seen many ways of coating meats. You better just have professional people doing it for you. By the time you finish doing all the chore works, you are ready to go to bed and sleep. You eat like what ? 3 meals?

My mother eat 1 or 2 meals.

I do have fruits in the morning. That is 3 meals. Probably the same.

I asking her some questions.....why you would love to eat, and then you must exercise?

I rather works and not eating, so no more exercising neither ~~~~ 

Body detox was one of my favorite things to do one time period of time, my life. I will tell you, when I was on fasting, no more meals in a day, but only drinking juices or water. I don't even need really brush my teeth, no washing dishes, no preparation meals....Just go outside and walking.

That kinds of air breathing life, I have no ideas how to describe to you, for someone like me, I am a pig, that describe life is to cook food and exercise out....








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