

Organic Chemistry - Chiral definition

 Do you check your own textbook definition what is a chiral carbon means? 

Carbon can only bind to how many groups, if it is single bond? 4 

So if saying that is a chiral carbon, what does it means?

That carbon is binding to 4 different things. Under that observation, you cannot really say symmatry, so you say Chiral. Understand?

Mirror superimposible. 

You have to be clear, what you define in anatomy, that human is bilateral, symmetry beings, like cut in half, this half is the exact half than the other half.

That is not the case with the a Chiral Carbon doing a mirror image, of superimposible compounds.


That is 4 different groups. Its wedge or hedge? meaning tilting out, that has a tail. That is not symmatry possible. Behind, behind...

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