

⭐️What you can do also, its you go purchase a PCAT Barns & Noble, they test Chemistry session ⭐️

 ITs just one booklet. I know people purchase from the Amazon.

When I took my PCAT, I don't really remember, we have that much internet yet?

So what you can do also, its to identify, what quesiton is being asked in Organic Chemistry in PCAT. If you are taken MCAT you can note it now, that question next by....

"This is for Isomer"

"This is for Benzene"

"This is for Alkane, alkene, or alkyne"

"This is for structure testing methods"

"This is for resonance, electron drawing, or similar like Lewis Structure, valence theory, or some kinda of 1900 theory, molecular orbital theory"

"Electron drawing mechanism are...." 

So by the time, when you finish your Organic Chemistry First semester, you already have that PCAT or MCAT test preparation book solid categorized, what kind of exam quesitons are percentage at with your situation.

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