

Organic chemistry - Isomers

 What you need to have your definition clear would be

    Empirical formula

    Molecular formula

Sometimes when they give you a write out like C3H6

You assume what it will look like?

So if its a longer chain

With a different functional group on top.

Do you know what is functional group?

So different location of the functional group, in straight one line formula, looking about the same to you?

Meaning how you drawing out.

On the real tests, you will be going for PCAT, or MCAT, you don't assume, they become all topics on One Isomers session of your textbook, but the details of what that is, and you mix up, really its the formula drawing ALL OUT and basic equation if = (empirical formula) 2


If you look at your textbook, the categories of Aldehyde, Ketone, carboxylic acid....

To alkane, alkene, alkyne....You know the different of the single bond, double bond, triple bond, but the others funcitonal groups, are all so brainy out, are reactions to memorize.

do you believe all your ever taken standard exam, you could be asking that much of Organic Chemistry? So know the basic things, learn it right.

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