

Organic chemistry - Resonance

 These ideas of Resonance, are required drawing.

How good are you in drawing chemistry? Because Organic Chemistry is full of drawing.

When you learn about Lewis structure, and one of those valence electron theory, or later Organic Chemistry Molecular theory, how good are you, to distinguish the ideas of electrons? 

You are moving electrons, do you understand that?

Every dots you are moving at, at arrow, at reaction, within the scope of Organic Chemistry, they are all electrons. Are you solid solid solid with these concepts, or you think of, what is an Atom?

Neutron and proton, you calculate by the periodic table location S or P orbital. Is that also a theory, YES! 

There are a lot of 1900 science theory, we are using today, and some of them are carried to that if we are on particle theory, or wave...Light is a dot, like particle, or like wave theory, do you understand, that will cross over to physics.

But for Organic Chemsitry, do you know what you are drawing....right now Its Oct almost towards the end, do you start to draw mechanism yet?

Resonance structure are just structural concepts. Do you know what is the structural concepts?

If you equalize all the testing materials for preparing MCAT or PCAT, how much percentage you see General Chemistry or Organic Chemistry?

Resonance structure no matter where you do in Organic Chemistry field, its very very important concept, you are drawing 2 structure, and the real real real structure is????In between the two. Hybrid if you heard about those words....

I draw a lot a lot a lot of organic chemistry, because I used to taken Organic Chemistry Honor Class, where, we don't do the Organic Chemistry general class, where using a professor's note. But what is Oxygen single bond, or double bone, I already have that electrons configuration memorize my whole life. Because its so common, later on, when you see aldehyde and ketone or carboxylic acid groups. 

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