

The Science Museum

The textbook: The general chem

The organic chem   /  The honor class organic chem = this is only the mechanism does not apply to the real PCAT or MCAT for the honor class. You study twice probably in the end of all that going through on the junior year or the senior year.

No, some people take the orgo in their junior year.

Its too hard for a lot of people when the junior year many classes are the upper scale, or they join some of those more of their major. You didn't know your 1st year, you can just by pass everything not to pick a major? Those people just take the general requirement, or sometimes in the summer, they took those community college credits "3 credits", you know you pay per credits on your tuition slips? So, if you move one of the schedule book inside those IT things you seeing the schedule, not you manually doing that, you can take some other classes in the university, and easy your grade at the community college.

People do that.


A year pass by ...and one day 2024 arrives mid way.

I have find a way how to manage these interface. I use the Google Chrome right now, they make it easy.

This is a chemistry website. People probably is at their Fall semester toward the ending of the general chem or the orgo chem the final at this Christmas holiday.

Merry Christmas ! No I hear you, your pain.

It happens every years since 2007. They got a Khan Academia from Harvard, you all can take this opportunities to join their niches.

This is for the organic chemistry must be. You starting at the halide, unplug that, they are the leaving group. Helpful? Your chapter title at the beginning. 


You know I have more than one video on that 2 channel this far, my name on it.

Is this official....with my name on it. Well, I gonna tell you I sometimes going back to these 6 industrialist video with the music behind seeing it, or this Better Man 2 or 3 times I re-make I remembering. And one day I found you are guessing in your life, just about everything in anything, including my 100 UB classmate they going to the court room to find a correct method near.....a penny. 

Your textbook this is what, the Organic Chemistry, not just the general chemistry. I done more than just the chemistry. Its not a revelation. I used to tutor this 10 student per semester both the undergraduate and the graduate. You feel comferting? Walking on campus, you know that is a comferting says?

They are guessing because they are the minority students. They got the governments assisting reason to spell the education. Like the parents whom didn't go to the college, or EOP. You know most is the EOP, that was at least 3 program in it kids. When you are the graduate students, and they were all freshman looking, you will feel the first time they looking that young. You never thought, you never thought, you never thought about it the years will go by. No one telling you this stuffs.

That textbook whichever subjects line.

You are guessing all the way. I gonna tell you that.


🪴🪴 Food Chemistry and Shampoo, or car oil, for the engine 🪴🪴

They are all on the chemistry people does jobs for.

The Chemists.

Car engine, those are oil or some kinda of washing liquid for the wind shield, meaning they are purely chemical. 

Shampoo, that is Inorganic, still chemical types of reagent. They took over the dirts from the hair.

Food science, they use today's artificial dye, the coloring agent, and some are preservative, like a can of olives. If you are using them for pizza at home. 

There are the science of liquids. Its just easier for me to comprehend, not that I choose chemistry more than the physical. People have some hobby, its what you incline to do. If you like that subjects, you become good at it. I just never even think, no one knows all these stuffs. Its in the school they teach you pages by pages.

We didn't have the internet Era that to say, you using the wiki. We had only the classroom, where the teacher has the book they reading to us.


⭐️Organic Chemistry - Carboxylic Acid ⭐️

 Tell me the structure of carboxylic acid.....

Is that acid or base?


Do you know what is an acid? Of that carboxylic acid structure?

Not sure?

You have a double bond on the top, as =O

On the right side, you have a single bond of -OH

That is called alcohol structure.

Can you identify? 

So acid means what?

H+ in the solution.

The more H+ in the solution, the more concentration of H+ is present in the solution

They denote it as [ H+ ]


So Carboxylic Acid is? Having a single bond H hanging there...

Do you want to take this question to your TA or professor, for preparing your general chemistry, reviewing the concentration of {H+]

Organic Chemsitry General Class vs. Honor Class

 You know when I tutor Organic chemistry, my background was honor class orgo.

Meaning, I never seeing the general organic chemistry textbook or notes from that professor's powerpoint slide.

We manually script all the orgo notes, and tests upon memory in drawing the mechanism a lot of times, or some kinds of....base on the notes that professor gives.

I am from SUNY Buffalo, General Orgo is 201/202, my class is 251/252

There is people who drop the class to go to those lower class orgo, was for the reason to taken PCAT or MCAT.

I didn't know that before, its like 16 years pass, and now I start to remember. 

Your gearing towards is your professional school.

So are you in the honor class Organic Chemistry like me?

I will tell you, when I tutor, I start to memorize all their reagents and reactants to products sheets too. But every university in America are all different.

If you look at all different university notes, I was very stressful when I create the Orgo YouTube channels to select questions to create a video. 

You have many variation.

As you approaching to know each class drawback, honor class has a lot of mechanism.

I will say, you learn mechanism so that some of the concepts you are strong by "moving the electron" more smooth, while you sketch your reaction diagram, in the orgo class.

That basic skill how to move the electron is the key.

As for the percentage of Orgo in PCAT, compare to the general chemistry, of course is so much less, so much less. Sometimes I will tell you, I am being so lazy, what if I prepare the section of the organic chemistry just never being examined at...I waste all the time not to study something else?

In my time of PCAT, I didn't really prepare though, I was a tutor in general chemistry.

I would encourage you, trying that with your school lab. No, those are not TA jobs.

Those are New York State funding down EOP, SSS, or ACE one of those minority program, or disadvantage of first generation students to go to school from their parents.

Organic Chemistry - Newman projection

 Do you really spend sometimes with the molecular kits?

Because in my time, when I was in the school, those things sometimes exist, sometimes just so don't, no one as if, really looking at those boxes we purchase, called 3D molecular kits.

Newman projection is where when you finish your carbon bones and bonds, no matter how you twist and turn....

I say it again, no matter how you twist and turn...unlike the Fischer projection, you destine to know what is a "backbone" this one definition means. if I have a molecular kit, its just 2 mins, to show you what Fischer project is telling you, and what Newman projection telling you.

Newman projtection telling you, you "rise up your hand with that things you deisgn"

Whatever you design

"pull up the distance of that molecule right in front of your eye."

How close?

One inche


Organic Chemistry - Fischer Projection

 Have you ever seen shrimps? From the middle their see both side legs?

Well, when you have molecular kit, I will suggest you, taken to your TA offices.

Just say, I say about the shrimp. You have a backbone first......

Remember....what is the line for the backbone structure.

the backbone structure.

the backbone structure.

Organic Chemistry - Chiral definition

 Do you check your own textbook definition what is a chiral carbon means? 

Carbon can only bind to how many groups, if it is single bond? 4 

So if saying that is a chiral carbon, what does it means?

That carbon is binding to 4 different things. Under that observation, you cannot really say symmatry, so you say Chiral. Understand?

Mirror superimposible. 

You have to be clear, what you define in anatomy, that human is bilateral, symmetry beings, like cut in half, this half is the exact half than the other half.

That is not the case with the a Chiral Carbon doing a mirror image, of superimposible compounds.


That is 4 different groups. Its wedge or hedge? meaning tilting out, that has a tail. That is not symmatry possible. Behind, behind...


⭐️What you can do also, its you go purchase a PCAT Barns & Noble, they test Chemistry session ⭐️

 ITs just one booklet. I know people purchase from the Amazon.

When I took my PCAT, I don't really remember, we have that much internet yet?

So what you can do also, its to identify, what quesiton is being asked in Organic Chemistry in PCAT. If you are taken MCAT you can note it now, that question next by....

"This is for Isomer"

"This is for Benzene"

"This is for Alkane, alkene, or alkyne"

"This is for structure testing methods"

"This is for resonance, electron drawing, or similar like Lewis Structure, valence theory, or some kinda of 1900 theory, molecular orbital theory"

"Electron drawing mechanism are...." 

So by the time, when you finish your Organic Chemistry First semester, you already have that PCAT or MCAT test preparation book solid categorized, what kind of exam quesitons are percentage at with your situation.

Organic Chemsitry - Halides

 Of all the reaction in Organic chemistry, you know, you have to have One thing, then add a reagent, to become product number 1 or product number 2?

Understand? Substitution or elimination reaction. SN2 SN1, E2 or E1

But let's say....I am a tutor, I will teach you short cut to understand things in your memorization to that textbook you reading at....

Halide is very very very easy to identify. What are those? F, Cl, Br, I ...that column


They are very good leaving groups.

If you see anything has Halide attached to, your first reaction is? That thing gonna be plug off, and replace something on top.

If any memorization materials become too will memorize by identify reagent or given test reactant - that is to spot, is that halide first.

When you accumulate enough experience in Organic Chemistry, just remember what I tell you.

Leaving group such as Halides is given you a whole chapter, or some content in the textbook, its to help you identify


identify ~~~

Organic Chemistry- Cyclealkane is single bond, where is Benzene is Aromatic.....that is P orbital hybriding Molecular Orbital theory. Double bones

 Right now, is that the semester went to Benzene ring yet?

I am reading a textbook online guessing, what it is in your Organic Chemistry so far.

Bonding of single bond and double bond, which is easily break?

Of course single bond.

And not to say, you have to memorize the whole Molecular Orbital theory, on Benzene, if were true, you have to memorize, of course it harder to break. Its resonance structure, tight tight tight....


Organic Chemistry - Molecular Orbital

 Later in the chapter, you will encounter Benzene. Then you have a real drawing of a molecular orbital theory speaking.

Right now, are you farmiliar with your general chemsitry, that each orbit is to exhibit 2 electrons only?

S or P.

If mix them up, it will be hybrid orbital?

Do you understand why they will be hybrid orbital?

Because? What is an orbital define? The probability of an electron will show up probability.

This concept if you are clear, you should know, that guessing where the electron will be at...that is the reason, when the orbits S or P merges to have a bonding structure, you understand these area are where the electrons go. Because of these bonding theory required, you have orbital theory.

Remember that.

Its because you need to see CH4 bonding together, C and H, C and 4 understanding? You need to see something bonding together, you have a theory, how they should glue together, where the electron forming within the occupying orbits allows that formation of solid bond,...that looks to you, will be forever "solidified" if you see that thing turns into solid, like ice ! 

CH4 is what? Methane, its in my other video, I keep talking about Climate Change, you keep reading about when you are spare time, reading all my other websites, that I fighting so much with the Supreme Master Vietanese Little Nun?


That is a gas, that is not a solid. 

Gas you cannot see.

Solid bond, is really solid?

You see "a thing" sitting in front of your desk, like someone's head in front of the police station.

They are all bonds. Solid form a muscle in front of the police desk, understand? 

A solid bond

Numerous solid bonds.


In General Chemistry, they will mention to you at the begining, these bonding, has bending bonding structure of stretching bonding structure.

I am a tutor, so I can tell you something, that you probably need to pay attention, to some minor details, if you wish to draw upon your memory in reviewing Organic Chemistry.


Organic chemistry - Resonance

 These ideas of Resonance, are required drawing.

How good are you in drawing chemistry? Because Organic Chemistry is full of drawing.

When you learn about Lewis structure, and one of those valence electron theory, or later Organic Chemistry Molecular theory, how good are you, to distinguish the ideas of electrons? 

You are moving electrons, do you understand that?

Every dots you are moving at, at arrow, at reaction, within the scope of Organic Chemistry, they are all electrons. Are you solid solid solid with these concepts, or you think of, what is an Atom?

Neutron and proton, you calculate by the periodic table location S or P orbital. Is that also a theory, YES! 

There are a lot of 1900 science theory, we are using today, and some of them are carried to that if we are on particle theory, or wave...Light is a dot, like particle, or like wave theory, do you understand, that will cross over to physics.

But for Organic Chemsitry, do you know what you are drawing....right now Its Oct almost towards the end, do you start to draw mechanism yet?

Resonance structure are just structural concepts. Do you know what is the structural concepts?

If you equalize all the testing materials for preparing MCAT or PCAT, how much percentage you see General Chemistry or Organic Chemistry?

Resonance structure no matter where you do in Organic Chemistry field, its very very important concept, you are drawing 2 structure, and the real real real structure is????In between the two. Hybrid if you heard about those words....

I draw a lot a lot a lot of organic chemistry, because I used to taken Organic Chemistry Honor Class, where, we don't do the Organic Chemistry general class, where using a professor's note. But what is Oxygen single bond, or double bone, I already have that electrons configuration memorize my whole life. Because its so common, later on, when you see aldehyde and ketone or carboxylic acid groups. 


Organic chemistry - Isomers

 What you need to have your definition clear would be

    Empirical formula

    Molecular formula

Sometimes when they give you a write out like C3H6

You assume what it will look like?

So if its a longer chain

With a different functional group on top.

Do you know what is functional group?

So different location of the functional group, in straight one line formula, looking about the same to you?

Meaning how you drawing out.

On the real tests, you will be going for PCAT, or MCAT, you don't assume, they become all topics on One Isomers session of your textbook, but the details of what that is, and you mix up, really its the formula drawing ALL OUT and basic equation if = (empirical formula) 2


If you look at your textbook, the categories of Aldehyde, Ketone, carboxylic acid....

To alkane, alkene, alkyne....You know the different of the single bond, double bond, triple bond, but the others funcitonal groups, are all so brainy out, are reactions to memorize.

do you believe all your ever taken standard exam, you could be asking that much of Organic Chemistry? So know the basic things, learn it right.


Food Science: Salmon? Looks like. You see how the she dipping sauce required? So putting garlic has no uses, but you have to buy and cut it? Have you ever thought about those things in life? Waste money, waste time.....

 Lemon and onion, I have seen them using it to deal with the meat types of food.

So probably for those meat has itself smell. 

But for flavor...You are eating a chulk of the fish like that, you need a dipping sauces !

A lot too !

Food Science: Cooking, like coating sauce marinate ....

 You need to coat all over, like Potato with Rosemarry and Pakrica, is one of the most common coating.

But you probably meant meat. I never really cook meat, to tell you.

But I will tell you, I seen people eating 3 or 7 cooked meat, and they eat it down. There is no taste in the meat, why would you even eating it? You will get a lot of fat, if you are meat eater.

Now I switch my diet, but I will tell you, I gain weight not necessary I eat a lot of meat, but when I was juicing or being vegan, I avoid a lot of milk or egg products.

There are some health benefits if you choose more options in veg, I still believe that. You need some fibers to go to the bathroom. Per day, you go to poo.

But I have heard people don't really go to the bathroom that much.

Coating ....I have seen many ways of coating meats. You better just have professional people doing it for you. By the time you finish doing all the chore works, you are ready to go to bed and sleep. You eat like what ? 3 meals?

My mother eat 1 or 2 meals.

I do have fruits in the morning. That is 3 meals. Probably the same.

I asking her some questions.....why you would love to eat, and then you must exercise?

I rather works and not eating, so no more exercising neither ~~~~ 

Body detox was one of my favorite things to do one time period of time, my life. I will tell you, when I was on fasting, no more meals in a day, but only drinking juices or water. I don't even need really brush my teeth, no washing dishes, no preparation meals....Just go outside and walking.

That kinds of air breathing life, I have no ideas how to describe to you, for someone like me, I am a pig, that describe life is to cook food and exercise out....








Do you think I actually might know Simon Cowell, to know these boys, trying to waste their life out of norm?

 What you all trying to be functional human, they are trying to say, they are humble started on the street, going into a British Got Talents, street performance mock up, to compare to Ilno Divo, Simon another groups.

I create music page, did I tell you what I claim myself there to be?

Singing talents!

I used to practice piano one hour per day from First grade to Six grade, and 2 years I practice Cello

so I actually prepared to compete Music Middle School Entrance tests, I still remember today.

I compete Go game starting when I was 5 years old, to 9 years old.

All these competition grounds, I still remember them so vivid in my memory.

You see all the parents brought their kids with you standing there to meet the judges of a full room as if to see you there compete or performance.

To my Youth education, I would tell you, I never die out, some of those trait. Its did come with me when I grew up ! 

Do you see what this One Direction did in these kinds of story, each layout? A Musement park, an ice skating, a the restaurant....

 I think you should try to perfect all of they told you so experience, maybe not necessary fucking experience.

Ice Skating T sign in 溜冰天使

If they even translate that into English.

T = Tesla, Nikola Tesla.

Can you tell me, why girls like about them? They just shrink in the seats when someone does that?

Is food mean Food Channel...discovery....Food Networks, one of those producers, they can hire chemist ...Its a food science. The Chemist makes bubble tea or detegent is about the same.

 That is probably becoming cold.

I don't think that has a lot of tastes. Do you see salts anywhere?

Asian we eat hot or warm food.

Its a nice presentation though.